Delaware has been moving steadily toward policies that help cats, and the House of Representatives is now considering a Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) bill that would strengthen protections for cats and caregivers. They are already hearing from opponents who are spreading misinformation about cats.

Delaware residents: Contact your representative today and voice your support for TNR, the only humane and effective approach to community cats.

TNR works, and hundreds of communities have already embraced it. Outdated policies, like catching and killing cats, are not only cruelthey just don’t work. Evidence shows that only TNR is effective and humane.

Thanks to the House Health & Human Development Committees for supporting this bill and moving it to the full House of Representatives for a vote. Help us do more to protect cats in Delaware by contacting your representative today and standing up for the cats.

Delaware Residents: Take Action!
Not in Delaware? Learn how you can protect and improve the lives of cats where you live.